5 Effective Ways to Relax and Manage Stress in Kids

Stress can take a heavy toll on adults, but it can be even more detrimental to children’s mental and physical health. Symptoms of stress in kids often include persistent anxiety, lack of focus or hyperactivity, difficulty sleeping, and other issues that can cause problems at school or with friends. To help your child cope with stress and feel less anxious about life in general, a child care Ashfield suggests these five techniques.

Bring the Family Together:

Spending time with loved ones is a fantastic way to relax. If you’re lucky enough to have family nearby, head over to their house after work for dinner. If your family is spread out, utilise technology like FaceTime and Skype so you can have virtual dinners together. Whatever it takes, do what you can to reconnect with family members on a regular basis!

Use Breathing Techniques:

Breathing is an underrated tool for staying stress-free. Teaching your kids—and yourself—to breathe deeply from their diaphragm can help alleviate stress during times of high anxiety. Deep breathing calms both mind and body. Follow these instructions: Sit upright with your back straight, close your eyes, take a deep breath in through your nose, then exhale slowly through pursed lips (as if you were whistling). Repeat several times until you feel relaxed.

Head to Nature:

According to the experts of child care Ashfield, the time spent outdoors increases attention spans and creative thinking, reduces stress levels, boosts creativity, improves concentration, promotes healthy sleep patterns, and relieves anxiety and depression. Outdoor playtime with friends also helps kids learn how to resolve conflicts without resorting to bullying or fighting.

Don’t Overschedule Your Kid:

Overscheduling can increase a child’s stress levels. Keep your kid’s schedule as light as possible, and avoid activities that are too intense or competitive. Also, be careful not to take on too many commitments yourself. Being too busy at work could make you more stressed out, which might transmit itself onto your child.

Instead of thinking about how much time your child spends doing something, think about what they’re doing during that time. Is it fun? Are they learning something new? Are they playing with friends? If so, then they’re probably managing their stress just fine. If not, maybe try cutting back on some of their obligations.

Read With Your Child at Night:

Reading has long been shown to have a positive effect on a child’s early learning Ashfield, including helping them develop strong language skills. However, it can also help with stress management, for both kids and parents. If your child struggles with anxiety or just simply has a hard time calming down before bedtime, reading with them for about 20 minutes may be just what they need.

Stress can manifest itself physically in children through stomach aches, headaches, rashes, and mental consequences, which can be difficult to cope with. Follow the tips mentioned by the staff at Ashfield child care to help your child combat stress.

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